Continued from Part 1…
This part offers a political typology, arguing that people fall into the following political categories: liberals (two types: system NPCs and sociopaths), corporatists, dissidents (two types: ideological and non-ideological) and the lumpenproletariat. It argues that sociopathic liberal purity spirals head toward an end-point of a leftist singularity resulting in genocide of the disapproved groups.
We’ve discussed how the degree of inclination toward independent thought is variable and depends, at least to an extent, on a group’s perceived status in society.
But what about assessing a person’s skepticism to propaganda on an individual basis? Ethnic, religious, and sexuality groups experience great variability in thought and beliefs, even though generally the more privilege a group receives from society the less likely they are to resist it. A gay black man in American is generally going to support big government and blindly listen to liberal authority figures, but not always. How can individuals be categorized?
A good way of looking at individuals is that they fall into one of four personality categorizations (with some subcategories): liberals, corporate types, dissidents, and the lumpenproletariat. Let’s briefly touch on teach of these categories.
Liberals - liberals imbibe establishment propaganda without skepticism. They intrinsically understand the Friend/Enemy distinction (as defined by Carl Schmitt1) better than other personality types, they are very sensitive to status signaling and they de-emphasize truth in favor of group consensus.
There are two subcategories: System NPCs and sociopaths.2 System NPCs are most women (where the younger ones are on the wokeness vanguard, per Schopenhauer3 and Orwell, the latter who stated in 1984: “It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy”), most homosexuals (including homosexual RINOs4), most transsexuals, most blacks and other minorities. They generally prefer to live in liberal major metropolitan areas and dislike rural areas. This type eagerly embraces establishment propaganda out of anthropic herd instinct and their subconscious knowledge of the benefits they receive; they strongly identify with authority and do everything they can within their power to defend it.5 They have no cognitive dissonance between the information they receive and their own emotional makeup.6 They are generally college educated with average IQs; some have masters degrees although relatively fewer have PhD’s. Many suffer from the Dunning–Kruger effect. Ecumenical religious types also qualify as they internalize the liberal positions of a decade ago.
System NPCs are currently liberal because the power in the west is liberal, but if society’s ideology was different the system NPCs would readily believe that instead.7

While most System NPCs are normal people, some may rise very high in the establishment. This may occur from uncommon personal qualities by combining extreme ambition, the right education or family background or marrying correctly with a total acceptance of globohomo messaging and no cognitive dissonance, which makes them very useful to those high up in power.8 Examples include Justin Trudeau, Lauren Jobs, MacKenzie Bezos and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden.

The sociopathic types are small in number, often work in media, government or law, and know that their role is in providing false messaging to the masses for specific policy goals. As Che Guevara in Man and Socialism in Cuba stated: "The vanguard group is ideologically more advanced than the mass; the latter is acquainted with the new values, but insufficiently. While in the former a qualitative change takes place which permits them to make sacrifices as a function of their vanguard character, the latter see only by halves and must be subjected to incentives and pressures of some intensity; it is the dictatorship of the proletariat being exercised not only upon the defeated class but also individually upon the victorious class.”
Sociopathic liberals know that their actions/statements are false, creating some degree of cognitive dissonance (usually minor), but they justify it to themselves that the end justifies the means and it satisfies their conscience.9 Secular Ashkenazi Jews are extremely overrepresented in this category.

Both types of liberals generally like open borders and unlimited immigration (but only of non-integrating groups: whites and Christian immigrants are expressly disfavored) because (1) the system NPC types have been brainwashed into believing the mantra “diversity is strength”, and (2) sociopathic types like black and brown immigrants because they vote Democrat by a substantial margin, consolidating liberal power and pushing the country further left at a faster rate. The greatest percentage of Hispanics who voted for a Republican for president was George W. Bush in 2004 when he promised them free housing (which led to the 2008 financial crisis) and he only got 40-42% of their vote, while blacks regularly vote 90% Democrat.
Corporatists - these are the “moderate” Democrats and Republicans who really only care about making money, and they view their status based on their wallet. These people see the world in dollar terms, not in blood terms, therefore they are easily swayed by liberal pressure tactics when it could impact their pocketbook. They think “oh, if I just go along with whatever liberals are currently shrieking about and demanding I can go back to making money.” Thus while corporatists and system NPCs are both accepting of sociopathic liberal messaging, the system NPC is proactive in pushing the messaging they receive onto others and the corporatist is reactive in receiving the messaging. The corporate types are the best at making money. Their friend/enemy distinction is weak except they do not ally with dissidents. Corporate types generally like open borders and unlimited immigration because it increases the number of workers which has a substantial downward effect on wages.
Note: sometimes a corporate type will play-act as if he is a dissident and can even be confused in his own mind about what he is. The easiest way to determine the proper category is if he took the COVID vaccine or not. If yes, that person is most likely not a dissident (allowances are made for younger people whose views are not yet fully formed and for those acting under severe economic duress).
Dissidents - A dissident is someone who has moral objections to the fundamental nature of the establishment that rules over them. They see the world consciously or unconsciously in either “blood” or religious terms (or both), not in “money” or virtue signaling terms; they believe in human biodiversity, that people of similar backgrounds want to be together, and that diversity + proximity = war (per Heartiste). The deeper one gets into dissent, the fewer ideological allies and reach a person will have and the more isolated they will be. Conversely, the more mainstream one is, the more allies and reach that person will have - telling people what they want to hear is popular. Dissidents prefer the rural countryside over major metropolitan areas.
There are two subcategories: ideological dissidents and non-ideological dissidents. Ideological dissidents are those that are resistant to peer pressure and distrustful of establishment narratives spun by authority; many are skeptical of groupthink, well read and often became dissidents through the PUA, Ron Paul, Moldbug or Alex Jones onramps. These types are generally too independent to organize effectively, they are mostly loser clique (which will be defined in Part 3), have high testosterone (which is correlated with being right wing), higher than average IQs, they are almost entirely men10 and they make up a small percent of the population. They are usually poor as they lack access to corporate capital. Because many ideological dissidents are raised in liberal environments many do not “know thyself” until adulthood and they may struggle with motivation until they do (one’s political type, like physiognomy, is mostly immutable11). Of the Big Five personality traits dissidents often have high neuroticism, low agreeableness and, arguably, high conscientiousness.12 Nietzsche put it like this: “Digressions, objections, delight in mockery, carefree mistrust are signs of health; everything unconditional belongs in pathology.”
Non-ideological dissidents are much of the white majority population that feels discriminated against, they typically live in suburban or rural areas, they don’t trust the media but they cannot articulate their objections other than Fox News talking points. They are poorly read, generally lower IQ and their objections to the establishment are visceral and emotional, not intellectual. While they may be taken in by media propaganda their emotional makeup prevents them from fully integrating the messages they receive. Their friend/enemy distinction is poor because they are susceptible to moral appeals to compassion, fairness, equality, and forgivingness.
Note 1. Dissidents of either type who fall into a privileged racial category will deliberately have their privilege revoked by society and treated on the privilege level of a white heterosexual male. An example is Supreme Court Justice Clarance Thomas, whose blackness is completely ignored by society as a dissident to the system.
Note 2. There are zero dissident American billionaires; even those billionaires considered the “most right” leaning, i.e. Peter Thiel 13, Elon Musk and Robert Mercer, are not. Every billionaire is effectively a corporatist or liberal, not due to drive or high intelligence - there are many dumb NPC billionaires - but because billionaires remain structurally beholden to lenders, investors, regulators, public relations, etc. that force them into those categories under threat of devastating monetary loss. To be a dissident means opposing the established order, an order that made these people wealthy in the first place. Don’t put your faith in these people. They may occasionally larp (i.e. live action roleplay) as a dissident in order to use populism as a weapon in disputes with other elites, but it does not mean they have accepted populist values.

Lumpenproletariat: The lumpenproletariat are comprised of low IQ individuals who are too dumb to conceptualize political concepts and who are entirely focused on their immediate survival. They go to work as the lowest stratum of the industrial working class, lack class consciousness, spend what little money they have, rack up credit card debt and live paycheck to paycheck, they maybe go clubbing, have sex, smoke weed. Politics isn’t relevant because they don’t care or follow it nor are they capable of offering up any resistance.
While these categories are based on one’s physiognomy and are mostly immutable, a combination of media propaganda, poor education and weak role models14 often confuse people into intellectually identifying with categories that cut against their true core beliefs. Hence age, experience, and wisdom can bring out the core beliefs of individuals who have been confused in their youth. A hope of this essay is that it may assist some into questioning their beliefs and identify their underlying true values.
It is unfortunate that these viewpoint categorizations are more meaningful now than ever because the personal has become the political over the past decade, especially in an era of Trump and COVID. The blending of the personal and the political has led to the loss of many friendships whereas previously one used to be able to separate politics from daily life.
An interesting psychological problem with corporate types and non-ideological dissidents is that they believe finding and using a “correct” argument has the ability to wake NPC systems liberals up from their slumber and “see the light”. Their argument goes something like this: that NPC liberals are stuck in ideological echo chambers watching CNN, NYTimes, MSNBC and WaPo and which gets reinforced in school and the media, they have no real understanding of the arguments of the right and, at least if they are well meaning, they can be changed with a winning argument. Hence why Dinesh D’Souza (a corporate type larping as a dissident and who serves as an establishment gatekeeper), Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro and so on spend so much time calling out the hypocrisy of their opponents: “If they recognize they are being hypocrites through callouts like these, maybe they will change their minds!”
This is a fundamental mischaracterization of how the NPC liberal mind works and shows a lack of understanding of the friend/enemy distinction. Instead of trying to base their beliefs in fact and logic like the corporate types and non-ideological dissidents try to do (with low to middling success), the NPC liberal mind is more like a fish in a school of fish. To these people, pushback from their ideological opponents energizes them as it identifies on essentially a religious level who is “evil” and who must be steamrolled and conquered. This is why debating a NPC liberal is a waste of time and counter-productive; they will walk away energized from the conversation, ready for battle, and will have completely forgotten any arguments you have made by the next day.
The blogger Z-Man articulates this concept properly:
“When you watch a school of fish or a flock of birds… it appears as if they are coordinated in their actions. It’s as if one of the fish is the brain, operating in secret communication with the rest of the school, to have them dart left or right through the water. It’s almost as if they were designed to be of one mind…
Instead, it is one fish responding to the fish around him. When the fish on the outside of the school twitches, those around him twitch. The cascade of movement happens so fast it is imperceptible to the observer on the dock. The same is true of birds. That murmuration of a flock of starlings looks like a highly coordinated ballet, but in reality it is the result of a million reactions within the flock. That’s how the Left operates like a highly coordinated religious cult. They are tuned to react to one another.
This is why facts and reason are useless weapons against the Left. People in the 2A community have all had the experience of carefully explaining the facts and arguments of gun control to their lefty friend or relative. They nod along, seeming to understand what has been explained. The next time you see them, it is the same old shibboleths, as if they have no memory of the last conversation. The reason for this is the very definition of who they are is their membership in a civic religion….
That is the power of Progressivism. It is a self-contained, self-validating shared reality for the adherents. It’s why so few people break from it. More important, its immune system has evolved highly complex defenses against the way in which the Right prefers to debate. Those appeals to facts and reason are quickly turned into fuel to energize the believers into huddling closer in common defense. It’s how the Left maintains its power. It has turned the enemy’s best weapons into fuel.
It is why engaging with the Left is a tactical error. As much as dissidents like to accuse the Buckley conservatives of being controlled opposition, they never really got the value of the Buckley types to the Left. They were not their designated punching bags. They were the ritualized manifestation of the devil, the universal threat against which the Left is organized. It is a reminder of why they believe, why they must stick together and why they must fight by any means necessary.
An authentic alternative to the Left will therefore not confront the Left, but hide from it, refusing to engage in the traditional way. More important, it can never manifest in the traditional ways. Those white boys in fashy haircuts at Charlottesville were the best controlled opposition the Left has had since David Duke. They were what the Progressive prophesies foretold, thus confirming the shared beliefs of the coalition of the ascendant. It’s why Charlottesville looms so large for the Left.
The authentic alternative to the prevailing orthodoxy will have to evolve in the shadows and evolve its own immunity from the weapons of the Left. Instead of being attracted to confronting the Left, it will have to be repelled by it. The decisive weapon will be never manifesting in a way that allows the Left to anathematize it. Instead of playing the role carved out for them by the Left, the successful dissidents will seem formless and inexplicable. The people in charge will never see them coming.”
That NPC liberal types act as a school of fish out of anthropic herd instinct explains in part why these people usually win, because the mentality of dissidents is fractured, individualistic, filled with endless infighting as they bicker about getting to their own version of the “truth”. Their fractured, disorganized nature makes them natural losers against the NPC liberal mentality.
Additionally, if one sees the way that the NPC left gets energized by pushback from the right, using that energy to steamroll their opponents, the advent of the internet and instantaneous communications has sped up this process precipitously. This is why what has been historically considered societal degradation — publicly approved homosexuality, transsexuality15, child sexual grooming, child sex operations, legalized drug use, etc — along with a sharp rise in heterosexual male virginity has occurred in less than 15 years, a blink of an eye historically, when the first iPhone was released only in 2007.16 There were smartphones before the iPhone but the iPhone is what popularized them along with instantaneous communications to the masses. The specific mechanism by which this degradation occurs is the immediate mobilization of retaliatory responses by NPCs working at Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and other social media platforms (riled up by corporate and online echo chambers17) to dissident ideas, punishing dissidents with shadow and regular bans, doxxing, threatened job loss, public shaming, and loss of access to bank accounts, that has really supercharged this decline.

While small in number, the sociopathic liberal types live, breathe, and obsess about the power process — how to get it, who to know to get it, what to do when they get it, who their enemies are, how to take them out. These people believe that the vast majority of people are cattle to be used and abused in order to advance their power process. They also believe that the end justifies the means politically, that whatever immoral actions they take on their path will be warranted once the (ill defined, impossible to reach) end goals are reached. These people are materialist and atheist, even if they may publicly proclaim to be religious.
As an example, if one looks at Russia during the communist revolution only a small portion of the country supported the Bolsheviks. They received just 24% of the vote at the 1917 Russian Constituent Assembly election but they disregarded the vote and seized power by force the next day. These people were ruthless, determined, controlling, highly organized, deeply deceptive, excellent liars, and experts at coordination and strategy. They lied to the masses and got them to go along with the agenda even as their quality of life drastically decreased.
In a similar vein blogger Rolo Slavskiy asks why the Christian Ukrainian masses are still fighting against Russia even though they are suffering enormous casualties (per leaked documents, judged as authentic by Ukrainian bloggers, showing their military rapidly lost more than half of its men), and even though the Ukrainian leadership is Jewish and foreign who will, per CATO, fight to the last Ukrainian. The point Slavsky makes is that it doesn’t matter how well represented a group is in government; most people simply follow authority figures no matter who they are, and sociopathic liberals understands this better than any other group:
The Ukrainians are fighting because they were told to fight. That’s it. That’s how authority works; people naturally follow orders from on high. It’s probably genetic even because following the chieftain used to be a viable strategy for survival. For most of history, there wasn’t such a huge disconnect between the ruler and the ruled. Both groups needed each other to a large extent and the captain went down with the ship if things got too bad. The interests of the ruler and ruled aligned more often than they didn’t.
Now though, a hostile shtetl rules both Ukraine and the West. Their authority is illegitimate, but, they remain the authority regardless. And so, when orders come down from on high, most people obey them. Not all people, mind you. Our little Substack community is filled with people who are suspicious of the ruling elite, for example. Some people, it seems, have a heretic gene within them that predisposes them to distrusting authority. This is probably a part of our natural design as well. Genes play out on both an individual and group level. You need the vast majority of people to be conformists, but you also need a certain percentage to challenge the status quo. Certain groups of people seem to have a slightly higher predisposition to heresy than others, but the general distribution is more-or-less the same. The majority will, despite their various viewpoints and supposedly deeply-held ideological convictions, follow orders from on high.
Point being, if Russia had control of these territories, they could just as easily have called up the people to fight NATO instead of having NATO call them up to fight Russia.
That is why the fight for these positions of authority is so important. If the power of authority wasn’t so overwhelming, these positions wouldn’t be so coveted. Heretics could just go to the people directly, convince them using the logic of their arguments, and the deed would already be done - the people would be convinced to no longer obey the authorities. But this is not what happens. This is not the observable reality that we are dealing with. Hippy-style appeals to the power of the people to organize themselves without hierarchies or appeals to authority fall flat on their face because only a certain percentage of people are capable of thinking this way. Most people are always following the leader. The only real question is: who is the leader? It doesn’t have to be the president of a country or a general, mind you. It could be a cult leader or a celebrity artist or even a boss at the company.
Ukrainian soldiers go to get shot up and bombed to pieces because their commander told them to do so.
They showed up for the draft because the police told them to do so.
They fight against Russia because their president told them to do so.
They hate Russia because their teachers in school told them to do so.
There really isn’t much more to the riddle than that.
This should be a sobering realization for Westerners. Your countrymen, if told to do so, will be carted off to war with Russia as well. They may grumble about it and they may shirk their duties as best they can, sure. But they’ll go along with it just like they went along with the Great Reset, the Great Replacement and all the other insane agendas that have been forced by them by people in positions of authority.
See also the Milgram experiments which reinforces this concept. As much as the term “evil” has religious connotations that often glosses over the mechanisms and real world motivations of sociopaths, there really isn’t a better term for a small group of individuals who conspire to exploit the majority masses using lies, intimidation, and brainwashing, plus relying on an utterly amoral, end-justifies-the-means materialist mentality while believing there’s no such thing as objective truth, only subjective truth to be bent and manipulated at will. This group is simply evil even though they consider themselves on a righteous crusade against the unrighteous.
Michael Anton has a short guide on certain common rhetorical tools these sociopathic liberal types employ to advance their agenda. According to Anton, these include:
the Law of Merited Impossibility, where sociopathic liberals state: “That will never happen, and when it does, boy will you [homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, whatever] deserve it”;
the Celebration Parallax, which may be stated as “the same fact pattern is either true and glorious or false and scurrilous depending on who states it”;
the Law of Salutary Contradiction, whose formulation is “That’s not happening and it’s good that it is”;
the Smails exhortation, where “democracy” has been redefined to mean “getting exactly what [the establishment] wants”;
the “War on Noticing” via The Lie-Back Imperative, where the establishment “Right” argues the Left not only doesn’t mean its proto-genocidal rhetoric but isn’t even saying it;
the Enmity Counter-accusation, where the left calls you its enemy for recognizing its enmity; and
the last, where “Deplorable Americans” are loudly and incessantly said to be the worst people in the history of the planet, pure unadulterated evil, with no legitimate concerns, interests or grievances, yet attempts by these people to gain some measure of federalism and local control is met with “if you try that we will kill you.”
It’s worth reading to understand these common liberal rhetorical positions.
The sociopathic liberal type has an interesting personality quirk: for reasons that are both puzzling and debatable, they project their own sociopathic motivations and behavior onto their hapless enemies.18 Perhaps it is for offensive purposes — once you accuse someone else of something, it’s a much weaker response for them to accuse you of the same thing back — or perhaps it is a mental defense because no one wants to think of themselves as evil (“I’m only doing it because they did it first, you don’t want them to win do you?”). Hence, Trump was accused of “Russian collusion” even though it was Hillary’s team that was up to their eyeballs working with Russian oligarch and FBI informant Igor Danchenko on the fake Christopher Steele Trump-Russia dossier, and top FBI agents were bribed by Russians.
An example of a liberal sociopath type is Anthony Fauci, priest diviner of COVID, deciding whether and to what extent the virus will “attack” one week versus the next and how fearful the population needs to be, where the NPC liberal masses looked to him as a God-type and a savior. Fauci could not believe there were citizens stupid enough to wear masks into a restaurant and take them off at the table as he suggested they do, according to former White House spokesman Brian Morgenstern.
“[Fauci] went on to laugh about how ‘ass-backwards’ it was that people entered a restaurant wearing a mask, then sat down and conversed with people without a mask. [Yet] he wasn’t saying things to that effect publicly, just laughing privately at the American rubes he was fooling,” Morgenstern wrote in an excerpt for an upcoming book. In July of 2020, Fauci told ABC News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton that he was considering recommending goggles or an eye shield protection for all. “If you really want perfect protection of the mucosal surfaces … and have goggles or an eye shield, use it,” Fauci said. Of course, he didn’t believe any of this. As Morgenstern recalls: “I vividly [remember] my blood boiling during an infuriating meeting in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, when Fauci laughed about his own goggles comment, making it clear how cynical he was and that he could get people to believe anything.”
Fauci also played a big role in the 80s hysteria around AIDS by convincing heterosexual non-drug users to avoid sex while murdering a huge number of AIDS patients with AZT, testing harsh chemotherapy drugs on orphan children and torturing them per RFK Jr., killing at least 85, while sidelining effective drugs. Fauci recently funded experiments forcing dogs to be eaten alive by infected fleas while pushing the quite deadly Remdesivir during COVID.
Other examples of sociopathic liberal types include the Biden administration proposing removing penalties for fentanyl trafficking-related offenses despite 104,288 Americans dying from fentanyl in 2021 19, the AMA asking big tech/DoJ to censor and prosecute journalists who question brutal transsexual surgeries, and Canadian officials pushing assisted suicide on children as young as 6. The liberal sociopaths want their white middle American enemies dead; whatever tactics are required the end, to them, justifies the means.
Lastly, a repeated pattern through history is that this personality type will push and push in their accumulation of power until they hit resistance: then, if they don’t have enough force to conquer the resistance they will shift and try a different angle and start the process again. If they do have enough force to push through, especially militarily, they will do so ruthlessly and without hesitation and then, once they defeat the resistance, they will blame the resistor for being the originator of the conflict. A sociopathic bully gaslighting and blaming the victim, claiming through their propaganda outlets that they were in fact the real victim. An example of this is Japan in World War 2 where the U.S. intentionally cut off Japan's access to oil, knowing it would make them desperate and lead directly to a military response. FDR likely had prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor but he needed America to be attacked to shatter the powerful anti-war isolationist faction. According to GPO statistics, 93% of Americans were opposed to US entry into the war even after the German invasion of France. Appendix A will discuss how these sociopaths have used this strategy throughout history, from Napoleon’s wars to the American Civil War to World War 1 to World War 2 to Libya to Iraq.
Based on Biden’s purges of dissidents in the American military and police forces on the pretext of mandated COVID vaccinations, combined with the extreme hatred the establishment has for the white middle class, it wouldn’t be surprising for them to push these people against a wall, eventually triggering a violent reaction (through a Trump indictment? Through the use of 87,000 new IRS agents to harass the middle class? Through outright criminalization of free speech?20 Through escalating Ukraine/Russia to nuclear war?), then use the loyal military and police to crush the dissidents, blaming the victim for “causing” the conflict and consolidating further power for globohomo.
A holiness spiral occurs when sociopathic leftists engage in a intra-leftist power struggle by virtue signaling about who can go the furthest left.21 They do this by signaling their support for increasingly small concentric rings of the oppressed (women, minority women, disabled minority women, etc.), and whoever is able to signal solidarity with the smallest conceivable ring ends up as the ‘winner’ for being the most virtuous, which they then parlay into political power. Historically one can see this strategy in America which went from support for slaves, to support for women’s liberation/19th amendment, civil rights, illegal immigrants, homosexuals, transsexuals, and then child transsexual indoctrination, with victorious leftists at each of these historical stops parlaying their holiness into political gain (and each of these involved a smaller concentric ring of the oppressed). Anyone who doesn’t meet the latest leftist holiness spiral is cast out and treated as an enemy. As the number of excluded enemies grows over time the greater the odds violence is ultimately used against them which, unless stopped, ultimately leads to a leftist singularity of genocide against the excluded peoples (i.e. Bolshevik mass murder of the kulaks, Chinese communist mass murder of their political enemies22 and Khmer Rouge mass murder in Cambodia are three recent historical examples).
Left wing holiness spirals only end in one of three ways:
A sociopathic individual of the holiest leftist groups ascends to power, as with Oliver Cromwell and Stalin, and then discovers that his followers are becoming even holier than he is and demanding greater holiness which threatens his rule, and therefore he turns away from those who were loyal to him based on shared faith in holiness and turns to those who are loyal out of desire for power, and he purges those to his left (such as Stalin using Beria and his apolitical gang, and Cromwell with his troops);
The leftist holiness spiral continues unabated cumulating in the Leftist Singularity, i.e. genocide of the hated mass of enemies until it profoundly weakens the polity and results in foreign conquest, as with Khmer Rouge Cambodia; or
A military leader takes power and puts an end to the holiness spiral, with examples such as Franco in Spain and either Napoleon or the Thermidorian reaction to the French Revolution, depending on how you look at it.
Part 3 of “Dissonance to Informational Control in Technological Society” discusses the mentality of the corporatist political type and the peculiar ways they interact with sociopathic liberals, as well as delves into Clique Theory.
There is arguably a third type, but it is being excluded for brevity: people in, or with backgrounds from, subjugated nations who consciously or unconsciously believe that by allying with globohomo they can right historic wrongs against their dominant neighbor. i.e. the Irish or people with Irish backgrounds, or Ukrainians, both motivated by ressentiment against England and Russia respectively, are much more liberal than other “white" countries. i.e. see here and here. This ressentiment overpowers their thinking abilities because the alliance with globohomo is rapidly resulting in the destruction of both countries to a far greater degree than they ever suffered under their previous subjugation, with rampant black and Islamic immigration into Ireland and a wiping out of white Ukrainian males during the western-forced Ukraine/Russia war along with a ban on the Eastern Orthodox Church and forced legalization of homosexuality.
Prominent NPC RINO homosexuals include (at least rumored) Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, and Kevin McCarthy. Interestingly prominent individuals who at least larp as dissidents also seem disproportionately (at least rumored) homosexual: Nick Fuentes, Milo Yiannopoulos, Peter Thiel, Matt Gaetz, Bronze Age Pervert, Matt Drudge (before he sold out pre-2020), George Santos, Jim Hoft. It is an interesting question why this is.
I am inclined to quote Schopenhauer here in his essay On Women:
“Hence, it will be found that the fundamental fault of the female character is that it has no sense of justice. This is mainly due to the fact, already mentioned, that women are defective in the powers of reasoning and deliberation; but it is also traceable to the position which Nature has assigned to them as the weaker sex. They are dependent, not upon strength, but upon craft; and hence their instinctive capacity for cunning, and their ineradicable tendency to say what is not true. For as lions are provided with claws and teeth, and elephants and boars with tusks, bulls with horns, and cuttle fish with its clouds of inky fluid, so Nature has equipped woman, for her defence and protection, with the arts of dissimulation; and all the power which Nature has conferred upon man in the shape of physical strength and reason, has been bestowed upon women in this form. Hence, dissimulation is innate in woman, and almost as much a quality of the stupid as of the clever. It is as natural for them to make use of it on every occasion as it is for those animals to employ their means of defence when they are attacked; they have a feeling that in doing so they are only within their rights. Therefore a woman who is perfectly truthful and not given to dissimulation is perhaps an impossibility, and for this very reason they are so quick at seeing through dissimulation in others that it is not a wise thing to attempt it with them. But this fundamental defect which I have stated, with all that it entails, gives rise to falsity, faithlessness, treachery, ingratitude, and so on. Perjury in a court of justice is more often committed by women than by men. It may, indeed, be generally questioned whether women ought to be sworn in at all. From time to time one finds repeated cases everywhere of ladies, who want for nothing, taking things from shop-counters when no one is looking, and making off with them."
See, for example, self-identified “anti-war liberals” doing a complete pivot and supporting the Ukraine war against Russia because the establishment told them to. As of January 2023 only 15% Dem/lean Dem thinks the U.S. is providing "too much" aid while 40% of Republicans do.
Per Francis Parker Yockey in Imperium, p. 140:
“The common man is unjust, but not on principle; he is selfish, but he is incapable of the imperative of Ibsen’s exalted selfishness; he is the slave of his passions, but incapable of higher sexual love, for even this is an expression of Culture - primitive man would not understand Western erotic even if it were explained to him, this sublimation of passion into metaphysics. He lacks any sort of honor, and will submit to any humiliation rather than revolt - it is always leader-natures who revolt. He gambles in the hope of winning, and if he loses, he whimpers. He would rather live on his knees than die on his feet. He accepts the loudest voice as the true one. He follows the leader of the moment - but only so far, and when the leader is eclipsed by a new one, he points out his record of opposition. In victory he is a bully, in defeat he is a lackey. His talk is big, his deeds small. He likes to play, but has no sportsmanship. Great thoughts and plans he castigates as “megalomania.” Anyone who tries to pull him up along the road of higher accomplishment he hates, and when the chance offers, he crucifies him, like Christ, burns him, like Savonarola, kicks his dead body in the square in Milan. He is always laughing at the discomfiture of another, but has no sense of humor, and is equally incapable of true seriousness. He denounces the crime of passion, but eagerly reads the literature of such crimes. He herds in the street to see an accident, and enjoys seeing another sustain the blows of fate. He does not care if his countrymen are spilling their blood as long as he is secure.”
Hence Robert Conquest in Reflections of a Ravaged Century, p. 64:
"Hitler himself said that Communists far more easily became Nazis than Social Democrats did. On another occasion he remarked, "the Reds we had beaten up became our best supporters," a point also noted by others. A remarkable firsthand example is given by Patrick Leigh Fermor in A Time of Gifts...In a German workmen's bar late one night he made friends with a group of young factory hands just off a late shift. One of them offered to put him up in a family attic. There he found what seemed to be a "a shrine of Hitlerism" - flags, photographs, posters, slogans, emblems. His new friend laughingly said he should have seen it last year - all "Lenin and Stalin and Workers of the World Unite." He and his friends were Communists and used to beat up Nazis in street fights. Then, "suddenly," he had realized that Hitler was right, and he and his friends were now SA men. "I tell you, I was astonished how easily they all changed sides," he said."
See also Zero HP Lovecraft's reformulation of an argument from Vaclav Havel, as detailed in Appendix B.
There are a myriad of ways sociopaths choose to lie to their marks. The following is a description of some prominent political figures and the various ways they choose to lie:
Trump, who was considered a moderate liberal until 2015 and socialized with the Clintons (they attended his wedding to Melania), Al Sharpton and other liberal leaders, lies like a high-pressure salesman; however, he basically believes everything he says and even when wary of his specific claims one should take the issue seriously, especially when he attacks the competitor's product.
Hillary is a sociopathic liar who conceals her wrongdoing and tries to destroy her enemies (as an aside, she stated publicly that the lesson of 1984 is to trust “our leaders”).
Biden is a the type of liar who has no idea and doesn't really care about whether his claims may be true or false. He just says whatever he thinks would be useful for this or that audience to hear at that particular moment. It's an emotional performance art.
Obama is a lawyerly liar who picks his spots carefully and prefers to mislead over outright lie.
Elizabeth Warren has some similarities to Biden but is more self-aware that she's lying about her personal history, and she has some similarities to Hillary but is more concerned with lies that generate sympathy rather than ones that conceal wrong-doing.
Bill Clinton is a liar who uses emotional seduction for political gain and personal gratification.
Adam Schiff is sociopathic, clever, and utterly amoral in his lying, and one knows that he's self-aware because he lies about things he thinks are not yet public knowledge.
To quote Schopenhauer again:
"The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower is it in reaching maturity. Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is reason of very narrow limitations. This is why women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important. It is by virtue of mans reasoning powers that he does not live in the present only, like the brute, but observes and ponders over the past and future; and from this spring discretion, care, and that anxiety which we so frequently notice in people. The advantages, as well as the disadvantages, that this entails, make woman, in consequence of her weaker reasoning powers, less of a partaker in them. Moreover, she is intellectually short-sighted, for although her intuitive understanding quickly perceives what is near to her, on the other hand her circle of vision is limited and does not embrace anything that is remote; hence everything that is absent or past, or in the future, affects women in a less degree than men. This is why they have greater inclination for extravagance, which sometimes borders on madness. Women in their hearts think that men are intended to earn money so that they may spend it, if possible during their husbands lifetime, but at any rate after his death.”
Per Conquest, p.228: "Not all young, or old, people are susceptible to education. The Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Gibbon tells us, had this trouble with his son and successor, Commodus...That is to say, he was forced by family circumstances into a world to which he felt no attachment or inclination.
This is, perhaps, an exotic example. Still, young people are even now pressed by family expectations into a sphere that is alien to their personalities. All this is only to say that some, like Commodus, are more or less uneducable. Others have had a good education by the time they are eighteen, or even younger, but have neither the desire nor the bent for "higher" education.
For people can be educated, culture and so forth without having been to university at all...nor is this only a matter of genius. Even erudition is possible outside academe, a point illustrated perfectly by Gibbon himself, the greatest of historians, who did indeed attend Oxford briefly when fifteen years old, from which (as he tells us) he got nothing."
From here: "People who are susceptible to hypnosis and suggestion...In the cases of males only, tend to act on the spur of the moment and consequently live an inconsistent lifestyle.”
From Financial Times: "In April 2022, about the same time that Founders Fund sold out of most of its cryptocurrency holdings, Thiel said he was optimistic about the future of bitcoin. He told a cryptocurrency conference in Miami that “we’re at the end of the fiat money regime” and suggested its price — which was then trading at about $44,000 — could increase by a factor of 100.”
The term “transsexualism" was coined by Magnus Hirschfeld during Weimar Germany where he advocated for homosexuals and transsexuals. See also Harry Benjamin.
Obama only came out in favor of gay marriage in 2012; only 10 years later, Tucker Carlson, the furthest-right personality allowed on television, also came out in favor of it on his show in December 2022.
Per Cass Sunstein: “The biggest issue is simple. It’s group polarization, which means that if you listen to people like you, you’ll probably get more extreme and more confident too. If Republicans talk or listen to each other, they’ll probably become more extreme, and the same is true for Democrats. We’ve seen plenty of that, and we’re going to see more. By the way, it happens on university campuses on both the left and the right, and we should worry about both. (I worked in the Obama administration, and I am worried that the left might go nuts in coming years.)”
As Scott M. Peck states in People of the Lie, p.73-75, "A predominant characteristic, however, of the behavior of those I call evil is scapegoating. Because in their hearts they consider themselves above reproach, they must lash out at anyone who does reproach them. They sacrifice others to preserve their self-image of perfection....Scapegoating works through a mechanism psychiatrists call projection. Since the evil, deep down, feel themselves to be faultless, it is inevitable that when they are in conflict with the world they will invariably perceive the conflict as the world's fault. Since they must deny their own badness, they must perceive others as bad….In The Road Less Traveled I defined evil "as the exercise of political power - that is, the imposition of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion - in order to avoid...spiritual growth". In other words, the evil attack others instead of facing their own failures. Spiritual growth requires the acknowledgment of one's need to grow. If we cannot make that acknowledgment, we have no option except to attempt to eradicate the evidence of our own imperfection....Utterly dedicated to preserving their self-image of perfection, they are unceasingly engaged in the effort to maintain the appearance of moral purity. They worry about this a great deal. They are acutely sensitive to social norms and what others might think of them....the words "image," "appearance," and "outwardly" are crucial to understanding the morality of the evil. While they seem to lack any motivation to be good, they intensely desire to appear good. Their "goodness" is all on a level of pretense. It is, in effect, a lie. This is why they are the ‘people of the lie.’”
Also, p. 119: “Evil [is] defined as the use of power to destroy the spiritual growth of others for the purpose of defending and preserving the integrity of our own sick selves. In short, it is scapegoating. [The evil] scapegoat not the strong but the weak. For the evil to misuse their power, they must have the power to use it in the first place. They must have some kind of dominion over their victims.”
A strong possibility is that the FBI and CIA knowingly facilitate the fentanyl trade (like the latter did previously with the heroin trade, which dried up after the Afghanistan withdrawal), which is manufactured in either China or Mexico and then distributed into Middle America as one aspect of its war against its own population and especially white Christians. As one data point: If the Mexican cartels had such ferocious independence, why, after accidentally killing an obese American black felon in northern Mexico, would the cartel beg for forgiveness and immediately turn over the 5 members that carried it out? Are such actions not better explained by a weak, dependent organization on foreign support? (The counter-argument is that they didn't want to attract “heat" to themselves, but it is a weak one).
See the criminal charges against Douglass Mackay aka "Ricky Vaughn”, who was extremely influential during the Trump era, for meme posting. Also see the provisions of the RESTRICT Act, sold to the public as an anti-Chinese spying Tiktok ban but essentially criminalizes free speech on the internet.
See also Zero HP Lovecraft's reformulation of an argument from Vaclav Havel as detailed in Appendix B.
The New York Times estimated that the 20-30 million dead Chinese during the Great Famine of the Great Leap Forward 1958-1962 was deemed "woefully inadequate”.
These articles tie key observations together into a coherent whole. Worth studying!
"...with victorious leftists at each of these historical stops parlaying their holiness into political gain": very nice turn of phrase.
Your schema of people classification is quite Linnaean and is sufficiently descriptive except (I think) when it ventures outside of urban environments. The 'great unwashed' or 'deplorables' -- in America, anyway -- are much more resilient and tough-minded than your classification scheme permits considering.