The more I read your writing the more I feel like you’re reaching into my brain and pulling out all these concepts and arranging and ordering them better than I ever could. This is good stuff, I very much appreciate your ability to synthesize these disparate elements into a lucid and useful roadmap of the current clown show the west has devolved into.
Great examples illustrating the strategies and nature of our victimizers, including e.g.
> But this too may be part of globohomo’s dialectical strategy: cause hyperinflation as the action, panic the masses as the reaction, and usher in CBDCs as the dialectical solution, instituting a level of micro-managed tyranny which has never been seen in human history.
>This same dynamic occurred when pro-globalist Giorgia Meloni became Italian Prime Minister, where American conservatives rallied behind her despite her then-known anti-populist bias, which was then born out on the ground when Muslim migrants to Italy tripled.
Just came across your substack, really enjoying your writing, thought you might be interested in this article.
@Andrew N wow. That article is damning, @neoliberal feudalism worth a read. I’m going to archive it.
The more I read your writing the more I feel like you’re reaching into my brain and pulling out all these concepts and arranging and ordering them better than I ever could. This is good stuff, I very much appreciate your ability to synthesize these disparate elements into a lucid and useful roadmap of the current clown show the west has devolved into.
Great examples illustrating the strategies and nature of our victimizers, including e.g.
> But this too may be part of globohomo’s dialectical strategy: cause hyperinflation as the action, panic the masses as the reaction, and usher in CBDCs as the dialectical solution, instituting a level of micro-managed tyranny which has never been seen in human history.
>This same dynamic occurred when pro-globalist Giorgia Meloni became Italian Prime Minister, where American conservatives rallied behind her despite her then-known anti-populist bias, which was then born out on the ground when Muslim migrants to Italy tripled.
This is really good work, NeoFeudalism!
Beat me to it! Had this exact quote in my buffer to paste and comment on.