On the Nature and Crafting of Belief in the Elite’s Struggle for Power and Control
A Foreword
Hello, and welcome. This Substack contains a chapter-by-chapter essay entitled “On the Nature and Crafting of Belief in the Elite’s Struggle for Power and Control.”
The central thesis, stretched among six sections containing well over 1,000 hyperlinked citations and footnotes, is that (1) the private owners of the world’s central banks are attempting to aggregate all wealth in their own hands and turn the world’s population into dirt-poor serfs, or worse; and (2) a hyper-focus on achieving equality dating back to trends from thousands of years ago is resulting in a frightful “leveling down” of anything and anyone superior, flattening the world to the lowest common denominator. A world where this energy predominates is a world of gray dreariness, no laughter, no excitement, a world of Death, and it is being pursued with the glee and sanctimony of the righteous pursuing a Holy War against their insufficiently equality-focused enemies.
This process is only warming up with much worse to come, and if these trends continue it will likely result in the complete destruction of western civilization and possibly of humanity itself.
Various bloggers, tweeters and authors address one or multiple aspects of the problems plaguing modern society, but no one thus far has tied it together into a cohesive structure using political syncretism. This is one such attempt. The expected future is going to be so terrible for the vast majority of the world’s population that I felt a moral obligation to say something even though it will likely have little effect.
Please start at the Table of Contents for the structure of the essay. Posts are meant to be read in chronological order, but the core sections are Section 4, “Goals, Motivations and Strategies of the Owners of Modern Society” and Section 5, “Deeper Societal Trends Predating the Central Banks” if you decide to skip ahead. Sections 1-3 deal with the nature of propaganda, why people believe it and how the technological surveillance state propagates it.
This essay is a living one and may be updated with revised arguments and new links from time to time. Arguments should be steel-manned, not straw-manned, so feel free to offer any criticism within and I will give an honest look at it. This will remain free, as the point is not to monetize it but get it out into public square. I don’t want to be a globohomo slave subject to ever-decreasing quality of life and don’t think you do either.
That being said, there are no political prescriptions offered herein other than the contention that central banks should be publicly owned. The primary thrust of the essay is an attempt to frame a different way of thinking and looking at the world for the reader.
Ultimately politics is downstream from belief, and only a Nietzschian transvaluation of values can lead to meaningful change.
I’d like to thank those that provided feedback on the initial draft and those that I have debated with over the years. This has been an effort which has taken an extended amount of time to write with a lifetime of politically-focused learning and research behind it. It is dedicated to those few free-thinking, independent dissidents who are victims of the masses of NPC-herd creatures (who are in turn animated by false establishment messaging); and it is also dedicated to those who are too young to decide their own future before society targets them.
Lastly, if you would prefer to read this essay in a PDF format, let me know and I can email it to you (I have your email address if you have subscribed). While I appreciate the current iteration of Substack, the pattern of tech companies is to allow free speech when they are in growth mode and then either become compromised or sell-out to big-tech behemoths, after which they ramp up censorship to unbearable levels. I wouldn’t recommend putting faith in any of them.
- Neoliberal Feudalism
PS: If you enjoy the ideas explored herein, my other Substack, The Neo-Feudal Review, offers shorter form, standalone content which analyzes current events in the context of the framework presented herein.
Thomas Cole’s The Course of Empire, fourth painting
Dude, what is your reading list and regimen? Would love to know. Yours is probably the most impressive Substack I've come across.
I'm both enormously gratified that you put something this scholarly, well-constructed, AND lively out here for free and saddened that the information environment has become so degraded that it would be unpublishable virtually anywhere. This is basically a primer text for all of the "inexplicable" bullshit enveloping and choking the humanity out of humanity. If more people would simply gain exposure to these ideas, that would give us peons a significant boost and chance of meaningful survival.