Excellent work, i just have a couple (only 2, if you'll permit me?) of problems with it.

1: You missed out one of the most financially destructive wars to hit Europe during the early 1700's, that nearly bankrupted all nations involved. The Austrian war of Accession, also knkwn as the 7 years war and was Britain's 7th consecutive war with the Austro-Hungarian Hapsberg dynasty. This was the final war that was funded by the then 'Baur' banking dynasty. They later changed their name to the, now infamous, 'Rothschild' shortly before half of the family moved to the UK. It is very likely that the change of name, was borne out of necessity, rather than any other esoteric reasons, due to the fact that, at that time the name Baur was synonymous with Hapsberg and were well known for funding that side and here in the UK, German speakers were being ejected from the nation at a rapid pace (quite possibly, via catapult across the channel) and seeing all of their assets seized. Assets, including quite a lot of land and businesses, that were then sold off to the highest bidder.

It was this sale of assets, that likely tempted the Baur family over to the UK, who were desperately in need of a replenishment of their funds they had lost through backing all 7 of those wars that the Hapsbergs lost and the name change hid their actual identity.

2: An extremely powerful family lineage is almost always overlooked, in large part because they've put particular time and effort into ensuring information on them remains nigh on impossible to find (these efforts are still on going, seeing very recently all page entries and references to them on Wikipedia, being completely removed, along with several websites and blogs too) and that was the Payseur family.

By the late 18, early 1900's Lewis Cass Payseur had taken control of the New York stock exchange, his last obstacle in his way towards total domination of the US. With the stock exchange in his possession, he could allocate how much of the 50,000 stock bonds that a company seeking to be floated on the exchange, would receive and is how the actual value of the company is represented and how much would be the Payseur's cut? Whatever the company has, out of those 50,000 stock bonds, is then further broken up into shares and it is these that're sold to the public, but in the grand scheme of things are in actuality, are a tiny fraction of how much the company is worth?

He was able to do the same, here in the UK, by 1920 and this was actually, in most part thanks to the Rothschild partnership with Morgan, Rockefeller, et al and the creation of the Federal Reserve. The Fed has to be floated on the exchange, to be able to trade and invest internationally and had to abide by the same rules as every other private entity floated on the exchange.

Effectively, what Lewis Cass Payseur did, ensured that he and his descendents, would literally own 95% of every Bank (multinational / central or otherwise), holding firm, hedge fund, tech company etc etc that're floated on the global stock market.

They, quite literally, own the world and barely anyone knows who they even are?

This video


that I uploaded to this site a few weeks ago now, not only details the recent and very sudden deletion, of any and all of the information about the Payseur's on the internet, but also the huge amount of changes to the Rothschild and Sassoon families Wikipedia pages, within the past 8 - 12 months, that not only erases anything that also might've led to the Payseur's, but also other really quite problematic information that discredited a great deal of the history that we have been told about, the Rothschilds and Sassoons too.

The same has also been happening with the information on some of the other, very powerful families too, such as:

Wallenbergs (Swedish)

Roos Af Hejlmsater (both the Swedish and Norwegian sides of the family)

Orsini (Italian)

Contarini (Italian)

Yors Kjorkinen (Finnish, also excuse the spelling)

Along with the pages of many other, very powerful and prominent family bloodlines, which is rather troubling to say the least.

That video I linked, has footage at the end showing Wikipedia edit logs, detailing exactly how much of the Rothschild and Sassoon Wikipages have been changed?

It also and most importantly, has footage from a website that had the only list of Payseur owned companies that was ever compiled and published in the US fortune 500 listings that, I think was from the late 1980s (off the top of my head, it was definitely some time in the 1980's, that i do know for sure? The exact date is shown at the beginning of that footage however) and is the only time the family has ever allowed this to be done, let alone be made public and even that was, sadly only 1/3 of the full list, that they had on that website.

Needless to say that that site has now also very recently been taken down and it was remembering that footage, whilst reading your excellent article, that prompted my sending you this, admittedly rather long, novella length comment, as I thought you might find some benefit from seeing it?

Some of the companies on that list, might raise a good few eyebrows at least.

You'll also find a link to a book called, 'Pandora's Box', written in the early 1990's, that goes into great detail about the Payseur's, that I posted to my pdf library on Telegram.

Other than those 2 points though, the rest of your article, like i said, it is truly excellent work and an extremely good read. One I shall be most definitely recommending to my subscribers on here and on YouTube and Telegram too, quite happily.


Apologies for the length of this comment and I look forward to reading more of what you have to offer in the future


Samuel N Fisher

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Thanks for your comment, Sam, and interesting information in it. I have not heard of the Payseur's before your comment, but I'm not too surprised; because of the structure of central bank owner rule, how they hide in the shadows using frontmen and direct their media apparatus to never cover them, there's likely quite a few other central bank owners, or at least inner sanctum members, that we have not heard of. (And yes, wikipedia is often an OK starting point for research, but with the knowledge that it is controlled and heavily censored by far-leftists and the CIA/FBI on behalf of their masters). I'll take a look into some of the information you've provided here - thank you.

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THIS! "take a group of people that do not believe in an afterlife, do not believe in God’s judgment after death, that believe life is purely a matter of who dominates who and therefore one needs to do everything possible to dominate others less they become prey themselves, this group is going to be much more incentivized than others, it will act with a much greater sense of urgency, it will be willing to perform morally dubious actions that others would blanch at, and because of these factors it is therefore generally going to outcompete, at least in this physical realm, those who hold themselves to higher moral and ethical standards and those that believe in God’s judgment and an afterlife."

It's been working for them while we've largely been ignorant of their malevolent parasitism. With maps like these, though...

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From Aaron of Lincoln to Larry of BlackRock.

Amazingly helpful work here.

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This is really spot on, you even have dialectical materialism too. At the heart of everything we see is the invisible hand of The Great Work: Absolute Monetary Domination. I wish I knew how this story ends, because their victory causes an unimaginable scale of death and suffering.

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“The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt.” ― Henry Ford

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“Cutting to the heart of the matter, the objective of the powers that control governments is to enslave mankind through the expansion of individual, corporate, and governmental debt as high as possible to the point where humanity will end up slaving away solely to service the interest on its debt.2  This objective necessarily entails the complete disappearance of the middle class throughout the world, leaving a tiny number of central bank owning families, a small cadre of working professionals servicing them, and the vast multitudes of the world’s population living hand-to-mouth in perpetual bondage to the banking class.”

“The banking class seeks nothing less than a permanent neoliberal feudalism where they control the entirety of the world’s wealth, a system they intend to last forever.”

The entirety of the world’s wealth under such a system would be only a tiny fraction of what it is now. It would also stop growing and might start to shrink.

Why would a banking elite seek to impoverish themselves in this way?

Any small cadre of professionals selected to serve such an elite would inevitably lack the knowledge, skill and expertise to maintain their standard of living, let alone increase it, would fail with time to perpetuate itself effectively, and would stand a high chance of failure in the face of any changing conditions, eg catastrophic natural events.

Why would a banking elite that rules the world expose themselves to such hardship and danger?

Surely a better strategy from their point of view would be to continue the parasitism on a growing world economy that you have argued convincingly in favour of in other articles?

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1. The inherent contradiction within this system: The system of financial parasitism only works so long as there is a host to consume, and the host, as everyone can see (white western civilization) is dying. Unlimited economic growth is also impossible in a world of finite natural resources and a greatly expanding world population as it hits up against neo-Malthusian limits.

2. The instability of the system: The central bank parasitical system is inherently unstable because it relies on constantly fooling the masses using endless fake media narratives in order to maintain their power. But over time the masses start waking up a bit (see Trump 2016) and it becomes harder and harder to maintain the illusion.

3. The necessity of elite consensus. The elites must always be striving toward something, some far-off end goal, in order to keep their coalition together. Without such an end goal they will end up squabbling among themselves and the project falls apart.

4. The goal: They want a more stable system where they don’t have to worry about the opinion of the masses and their rule will not be subject to being overthrown. In other words, their ultimate objective is not money but control. Money is easy to create out of thin air if they have control.

When one puts together the contradictions and instability of the system - both via increased populism and via decreased worldwide natural resources (#1 and #2), the necessity of elite consensus (#3), and the far-off goal keeping the elites together (#4), and it necessarily requires a radically different system than what we currently have. It requires the physical extermination of those groups with higher IQs who would balk at this system and it requires a much lower worldwide population.

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But when they pulled off con-vid, they reduced the population of low IQ people. Yes, that includes many experts and doctors who might have high test scores but low general IQ.

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Agree with all except for part of point #1.

Humans are the only species that modifies their environment deliberately to either produce new resources, or more efficiently use existing ones.

That said, the unrestricted creation of debt-posing-as-money prevents such activity (you make more “money” by just consuming everything like a locust swarm), until the eventual collapse and restructuring.




(I have a podcast, and I’m gonna shill it until I get 1000 subs: https://marchingthroughtheshadowlands.substack.com/ Sorry, but it ain't gonna shill itself...)

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I disagree. Natural resource constraints have only been transcended so far bc of innovative technology and methods, like fracking, fertilizers, building dams, etc. These technologies require very competent people and a competent system. The carrying capacity of a nation is correlated with the ingenuity of the people living there. If the earth was cleansed of intelligent people, or idiots occupied all the positions of power, the carrying capacity would be much lower than the 8 billion humans we currently have. Example: White Afrikaaners could produce enough food to feed a burgeoning population of nonproductives. But ANC ruled South Africa will face severe famines and be able to agriculturally support far less than 60 million. My theory is that Malthusian constraints are tighter on less innovative people groups.

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Not sure exactly what you disagree with me on (I pointed out that the innovation required is being prevented by the current debt-as-money system, and that it was headed for collapse).

But, you point out the mechanism for that collapse: stupid people in charge (which I'll argue is only possible under the current debt-as-money system, otherwise economics would intrude).

Once that goes, so goes Clownworld(tm).

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Total agreement

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Sure, so why would the elites destroy the very thing that allows them to remain invisible (higher IQ societies) and that supports them financially and technologically?

It makes zero sense, unless they are mentally ill or stupid. They can’t be stupid.

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They aren't destroying it, it's collapsing under it's own weight, and they are both mentally ill and stupid.

How/why? Because of a lack of challenge, which leads to degenerate behavior, hubris, dissipation, and inbreeding (despite their best efforts to avoid this).

They have no "grand plan" to rule humanity outside of some half-baked cockamamie fully-automated surveillance AI-enhanced gay-Communism. It's like they watched The Hunger Games and thought "That looks great, let's do that IRL". They have no idea of the design, construction, and maintenance of complex systems, because they are not the originators of their fortunes, but the umpteenth-generation inheritors of it; they are nowhere near as capable as their great-great-great grandparents who conceived it.

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I’m not sure about western society collapsing under its own weight, but I agree with most of the rest of your comment.

Since elite madness and panic seems the most likely explanation of current problems, we probably don’t have all that much to worry about?

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All they had to do was not rape kids. They couldn’t even manage that much.

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Thanks for the response. I commented on your note rather than here. Let me know if you prefer to continue the conversation here instead.

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"As a result England got involved in the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14), American War of Independence (1775-83)," E. Michael Jones said (perhaps in Barren Metal?) that the English crown realized it could not pay the interest on the national debth sometime in the mid 1700s, and someone came up with the suggestion that they make the (American) colonies pay it, imposing the taxes that we are told sparked the American revolution.

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"In a publicly owned central bank, the bank prints money without payment to third parties and then uses it to stimulate economic activity. In a privately owned central bank, the private bank prints money and then loans it to the nation’s government and charges interest on it."

It would seem that, lacking any corruption/blackmail, no nation (be it a monarchy or democracy/"democracy") would choose to have its central bank private instead of public.

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The breadth and depth of your research and writing is always amazing. This section filled in so many blanks for me. And I am struck with the inescapable if imponderable question :- What would the Western world look like today if Deuteronomy had been written differently? Mind-blowing to consider the what-ifs on that one.

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All this is interesting to read. Thank you for the compilation. How would you attempt to explain that only a several tens (perhaps 100 ?) people have commented one or many of these articles ?

regards, Philippe Lerch

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Hi Philippe, there was no already-established audience for this work when it was released -- no Twitter or social media presence, no previous blog -- and there is and was no advertising for it, except as linked to on the Neofeudal Review substack. Therefore this essay lives or dies entirely on its own merits and will spread by word of mouth if it has value to those who read it. I've been pleased with its slow but gradual growth so far.

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What if - and I only ask the question - what if all of these international banking machinations are so thoroughly entrenched that they cannot be stopped, and the final result will be dictatorship and the collapse of Western Civilization as we have known it? Can we then find or retain personal independence and integrity in any meaningful way?

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Hi Joe, that's a very distinct possibility, probably the most likely outcome at this point. There's also a question of whether this soul-deadening societal "machine" that the international bankers have summoned has slipped out of their control, a concept explored in Appendix B. Regardless, any hope of systemic change begins with people coming to understand the depth of the problem. The Alt Right, Trump, etc., had no understanding of what they were up against and they were brutally crushed...

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Things very well might slip out of the elites' control - I expect this massive immigration will blow up in their faces at some point (in the USA and/or Europe), or some other problem (economic collapse for example, or unexpected wars). And I agree Trump and other conservatives have no idea of what they are up against. People say "Never again" when it comes to the Holocaust - and never again will that reoccur as it was in Germany. Evil assumes new forms and new disguises. But I am over 70 and may be dead by then - but maybe not.

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Forgive me for concluding my contributions with one last post:

"Less than an hour from the capital of the European Union, gangs fight gun battles in the streets or bomb each other’s outposts. Crime reporters, police and prosecutors are bought off or killed. Torture cells are set up in shipping containers and bodies can be cleanly disposed of, but when the gangs really want to send a message they set up a public execution or fire off a rocket.

That’s the way things are done, not in Bogota or Beirut, but in Antwerp.

The Muslim gangs aren’t subtle. That we hardly hear about them is due to politics and terror.

In the Netherlands, they sent a message to the media by firing an anti-tank rocket at one magazine and then smashing a van through the lobby of the country’s biggest newspaper and setting it on fire. Reporters and bloggers have been killed, and abduction threats have been issued against everyone from the crown princess to the prime minister.


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Wants to rule the world 🎶

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A question: Why would any sovereign, ever, from the beginning, have handed them control of the central bank, and cede that sovereignty to them, when he could have created his own central bank that he controls, which would supply him with all the wealth that their central bank would supply him with?

You may answer that he'll be crushed in war by other sovereigns who are controlled by central bankers, but as I said, I'm talking about the beginning. Somebody had to be the first, and there is no reason I can see to be the first. Or the second. Maybe there is a reason to be the 40th.

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You can have domestic currency and finance your economy that way. Both Germany and the Soviet Union used systems of domestic credits. But to buy anything from other countries you have to pay with money that is internationally recognized. Back in the day, you had to have gold. Then you had to have gold-based currency. Then you had to have so-called hard currency, such as dollar, British pounds etc. That is why it is impossible to avoid international bankers.

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Just chasing the "rabbits" out of the bushes (so they can be shot and eaten). Nothing like viewing and acting towards your fellow man like he's just a mere rabbit to get (and keep) the old juices flowing, I guess.

Given your voluminous daily output to Substack, I take it this is all in book/manuscript form somewhere already. If this is true, can it be downloaded in one piece for more continuous consumption instead of reading it installment by installment?

Neal Stephenson's "The Baroque Cycle" pretty much tells the same story, but interweaves quite a few more types of human characters.

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Hi Larry, I'm still editing Section 5 (which will delve into certain societal trends predating the central banks dating back millennia), but I'd be happy to send you the compiled Sections 0-4 if you want to provide your email.

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Thanks -- I'll get your email address from my subscriber list and email you mine.

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Another chasm along the horizon of generational designs on human slavery:


and the 3 Squares of Neo-Feudalism

I wondered about the Schiff connection too.

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May 17, 2023
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Hi Aionist, according to a Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing Staff Report from the House of Representatives in 1976, a few families which owned controlling stock in existing banks caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks at their founding, and examination of the charts and text and the stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show the same families in control in 1976: https://archive.ph/syKMA

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