‘History will look back at the Trump presidency as the moment that conclusively revealed the existence of the deep state for all to see,’

So true

A thorough analysis

Looking forward to the next instalment 👍🏾

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Thank you Lynley!

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Another great chapter! Glad you called attention to the Mouse Utopia experiments. I have to wonder how much of what we see is the product of dysgenic compounding of mutations, how much from the malevolence of the pathocrats, and how much role the compounding mutations have played in the increasing malevolence of "our" pathocrats. Heh. Wasn't the selection pressure removed from the pathocrat "elites" generations earlier than it was removed from majority of the West?

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‘The lack of fulfillment of the power process, according to Kaczynski, has been a main contribution to the mental illness that plagues society, along with excessive population density, isolation of man from nature, rapidity of social change and the breakdown of natural small-scale communities such as the extended family, the village or the tribe.’


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I just watched that Harari video! That man is a psychopath. Potentially highly autistic. They really believe they are the creators. They think they are God

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