Wow, there's quite a lot to digest here! As a Jew, I don't feel comfortable "liking" the post, per se, but I do think you're confronting some important issues that really should be discussed more openly than they are.
I hesitate to argue the established facts of the Holocaust, as I'm well aware that most such conversations turn into an endless rabbit hole. Nevertheless, I will point out that the assertion that a European population of ten million Jews would dwindle to less than two million by 1938 largely as a result of outmigration utterly fails to take into account the strict restrictions that virtually all countries had on Jewish immigration. As an example, in 1939, the MS St. Louis, with its 900 Jewish passengers seeking refuge from Europe, was turned away by multiple countries, including the USA. If 900 Jews couldn't find safe harbor anywhere in the world in 1939, it's absurd to suggest that millions of them would have been absorbed without comment by the nations of the world in the preceding years.
Setting that aside, I find your doctrinal exploration quite fascinating. I think it's worth noting that BOTH mainstream Christianity and Judaism have been largely hijacked by what you call Spiritual Bolshevists. Regrettably, the message that the Left is the ideology of caring, intelligent people has been effectively marketed to American Jewry, which - quite contrary to its own interests - supports exactly the policies that have led to a skyrocketing incidents of virulent anti-Semitism, particularly on college campuses. While there are plenty of anti-Communist Jews (former Libertarian Party vice presidential candidate Spike Cohen is a good example), we are, at least for now, in the minority.
Along the same lines, it's relatively easy to cherry-pick statements, such as the one you found, that reflect a somewhat aggressive approach to ethnic separatism from the Jewish perspective. To me, this smacks of "reactive abuse," which is a phenomenon in which an abuser finally provokes a violent reaction from the person they've been abusing, and then use that reaction as "evidence" that their victim is crazy and/or the perpetrator in the situation. In this case, following the collective trauma of the Holocaust, it might be understandable why some Jewish thinkers would feel that assimilation was a mistake, and that perhaps it would be best to acknowledge deep-seated cultural differences that might cause tension in future.
By and large, I think you and I have a lot of common ground regarding the symptoms of our very sick and dysfunctional culture. I don't know if we would ever agree on what the underlying diseases are, but I look forward to reading more of your work.
Thanks for your thoughtful and articulate response, Alex.
This post and the Part 1 which preceded it are certainly the most controversial parts of the overall essay (although the revisionist history presented in one of the upcoming appendix's will be somewhat controversial), and quite outside of the Overton Window to say "the egalitarian values and the foundational origin myth which animate the core of our society have gone too far, and a measure of inequality is *both needed and is OK and proper on it's own without having to equivocate or hide acceptance of that inequality*, and if we don't have this then western civilization and perhaps all of humanity will be destroyed."
Re: the Holocaust, I agree with you that it's a rabbit hole, and I don't think it's debatable that a very large number of Jews died during the war (although it's a question how much of that was due to disease and malnutrition within concentration camps which was rampant in a country losing a war, with huge supply chain and degrading infrastructure issues caused by mass bombings -- ). My point about it is regardless of whether it happened or the extent of it, I think it's quite improper as a foundation origin myth of the entire west.
[Edited out a section that, on balance, I think was going off-focus].
Anyway I appreciate you reading the post and providing your perspective, and I look forward to reading more of your writing as well.
First of all, I tend to agree with your outside-the-Overton-window premise. The Procrustean bed of universal equality has been tried under Communism, and it didn't work out so well. A big part of the reason that it's a difficult conversation to have is because the word "equality" has become so loaded. I believe that all human beings are equal in the eyes of God, and should be equal in the eyes of the law. That's one type of equality. But equality of material success and other outcomes are firmly rooted in the Marxist doctrine that you and I both detest.
Regarding the Jewish experience, I'll try to answer your questions in as concise and non-defensive manner as possible.
First of all, I can assure you that Jews do indeed "introspect on these obvious questions." The cliché of the self-loathing Jew is rooted in the fact that many Jews internalize the vitriol that is directed at Jews in general, and (with varying degrees of consciousness) begin to think, "if all these people hate me, then I really must be loathsome." It's another pattern that is typical to trauma and abuse survivors.
Re: the Holocaust as foundational myth ... I'm not sure I agree that it IS the foundational myth of the modern era, but I see your point. I do agree that it has been distorted and used as a weapon. Certainly the fact that it's okay within mainstream circles to compare a bombastic, old-school centrist like Trump to Hitler, but not to make the same comparison of an outright fascist like Jacinda Arden is a cause for concern.
Re: Jewish "ingratitude" for their adopted countries. This is completely wrong. If you look at Yiddish theatre or Jewish popular culture from the immigrant era (1880s - 1920s), you'll find a profound sense of love and gratitude for America and its culture (which, for better or worse, at the time was white, Christian culture). Looking at Europe, one finds that prior to WWII, the Jews of Germany were almost completely assimilated into the mainstream population. That's part of why so many of them didn't believe that the government would turn against them the way it did; they considered themselves Germans first and Jews second, just as many now consider themselves Americans first and Jews second. More recently, the work of Jewish artists, writers and filmmakers is full of love for America and the best parts of Western culture.
I say "the best parts," because when you assert that Jews should show "appreciation for majority society and culture," it's worth pointing out that your blog is focused on criticism of that majority society and culture! One can hardly blame another group for rejecting what you yourself see is utterly dysfunctional and toxic. In my opinion, we should ALL reject it, and certainly within the Jewish community, I wish more of my peers would reject it, or at least be skeptical of it.
Re: settling in countries with hostile populations. Well, that's an easy one. What country DOESN'T have populations that are hostile to outsiders, of which Jews are the foremost exemplar? There's an old joke that Ireland was the only country not to persecute the Jews, but that's only because it never let them in. As for why Jews don't live in the Middle East, you answered your own question: the Arab countries expelled all their Jews, while simultaneously accusing Israel of apartheid against its Arab population.
Your overarching question - why have the Jews been the subject of repeated expulsions and other persecution - is an old one, and there are a few fairly basic answers: first of all, as you noted, the Jewish people have displayed a solidarity that is unrivaled among all other groups in human history, which is why we are the one of the only tribal cultures that has remained intact since the Biblical era. I say "one of the only," because there are certainly indigenous tribes that are much older, but by and large those tribes have stayed in their original territory. That solidarity in itself is provocative to empires, which usually demand conformity as a prerequisite for citizenship.
Secondly, as you pointed out, the Jews were expelled from their original territory, and forced to become quasi-nomadic. This is a rough world for nomads, since ethnic and cultural identity is almost always regional in nature (especially in the pre-industrialized era). Everywhere Jews went, they were the out-group. Since their identity was not just ethnic but also religious, they REALLY stood out, no matter where they went. The number of cultures that openly embraced ethnically and religiously discrete groups living within its borders is a small one. The ancient Greeks, especially under Alexander the Great, did so (incidentally, that's why Alexander is a common Jewish name), as did the Ottomans during the Convivencia, and, to some extent, America.
In other words, it isn't JUST that Jews faced hostility from other populations, but that ALL out-groups faced hostility, and Jews happen to have been around long enough (and, during the Diaspora, to have become so widely dispersed) to have encountered many other populations.
Re: the unfortunate attitude of being "forever victims" ... I actually agree with this, although perhaps not for the reasons you might think. I view it as another dysfunctional trauma-response. When someone abuses or attacks you, you can either fight, run away, or you can adopt a submissive posture and try to placate them. This is the "fight, flight, fawn" response. To put it another way, it's the "don't make your father angry" approach to being as unprovocative as possible for fear of undesirable consequences. In my opinion, organizations like the ADL and various Jewish celebrities promote this fawning, "we are so weak, we need your protection" posture as THE Jewish attitude, when it really isn't. They then (especially the ADL) weaponize it to silence critics in a way that I completely disagree with.
Hi Alex, thanks for your detailed response and pushback; in my opinion it is important to steel-man arguments (, and wrestling with thorny issues in a spirit of free debate and open-mindedness is one of the best things about the internet to me. So I appreciate this.
I was sitting with it for a bit to think about how I should respond -- we have parts of commonality on these issues (for example, agreement that every nation is hostile to outsiders, to various degree) and parts of disagreement, and I think we could spend a lot of time in reasoned debate about it -- but I'm going to try not to get too far off topic from the point of the essay (i.e. to reframe the core problem facing modern society as an extreme over-focus on equality as well as the central bank problem, with the off-chance hope it could serve as a Schelling point for people of all backgrounds to view as a reasonable diagnosis without triggering hind-brain "right" vs "left" or "my side" vs "your side" natural reactions). So if you don't mind, we can table the continuation of this debate for another day...
Wasn't it the Communist Jews who founded Israel? Who had the guts to expel the Palestinian vermin from the Judaean lands?
Regarding Holocaust denialism - it is a feature of Westoid right-wingoids trying to turn Hitler into a cuck like themselves. It's a psychological matter.
> ""if all these people hate me, then I really must be loathsome.""
Not really, it's a fairly shallow reading. I view it as Jews embracing liberal/neo-Christian values of personal weakness and love for their enemies. Hence the destruction of America by the Aryans, of South Africa by the Boers, and of Russia by the Russians is mirrored by the accommodation for the Palestinian subhumans in Israel.
Brilliant and fantastic essay in its thought provoking course through 2,000 years of human history in Europe. A basic mathematic reality: exceptional human beings, by definition, are always outnumbered by un-exceptional human beings. Therefore any “democratic” institution- markets, education systems, political systems will inevitably tend to level toward an outcome that is minimally acceptable to the larger mass of humans. Valuing human life equally sets the stage for this philosophy to wind its way into every collective endeavor. And the exceptional human beings will always be outnumbered. I’m not sure how any minority can come to have cultural influence except by wrestling with these basic imbalances of numbers.
But they did. The point is that ‘exception’ doesn’t have to be the same as ‘alienated’. That’s specific disease of a particular kind of culture of alienation that made its appearance some time ago, reaching its apex in global capitalism in the last 20th Century.
A person can be exceptional and universally admired because their exceptionality is directed toward their folk and their customers and well-being, not toward some alien value system or foreign population.
Louis Pasteur is a great example of a truly exceptional person who spent their life in the trenches of animal husbandry (‘yeast strain cultivation’) and was a part of daily life while be celebrated for their achievements because his achievements made life better (better beer and wine and bread and cheese).
The issue has nothing to do with ‘democracy’. It has to do with a version of ‘democracy’ that is multi-racial, multi-national and multi-ethnic.
And, in truth, no political system has ever been able to survive such mixing of interests. ‘Democracy’ is no exception.
Fascinating. It’s ironic that jewish people have been able to preserve their religious and ethnic traditions despite promoting “universalist” approaches to the same.
Thanks for putting a lot of time into this series. You cover millennia of activity with reasonable concision. I sense there is truth in what you've written, though I don't agree with all of it. I'm working my way through it. I'm learning from your work and very much appreciate you including sources.
I think there were more factors in Rome's fall than in Christendom, and more to the willful destruction of United States origin stories. The banker thesis likely has some truth to it as well, yet the world is a complex place and singular explanations are rarely correct. I doubt this feedback surprises you.
Surprising that you don't mention the prominent role Jewish intellectual extremists played in the Frankfurt School of Post Modern thought. Not surprising that a large ethnic group has made significant contributions to society both good and bad.
Have you studied and written about the forces behind WWI? Growing up in the US, neither its causes or the USSR's history were covered in much depth. The latter I've since studied.
Hi JD, thanks for the comment. I agree with you that singular explanations are rarely the full story; the central bank and egalitarian aspects are just significant ones that are poorly understood, imo. For the forces behind World War 1, it was briefly discussed in "Goals, Motivations and Strategies of the Owners of Modern Society: Part 1", but it's more thoroughly covered here:
With respect to the Frankfurt School, I may cover it more in depth specifically at some point, but the general theme is discussed here:
Yes, they are helpful. Just read the first linked post. Have already read the second.
As a fan of Thomas Sowell. prior to reading your post, my hypothesis was that the fall of monarchy in Europe played a key part in causing the world wars. It seems to me now that was partially true, because there were large populations unfamiliar with representative democracy and perhaps as a result, quite easy to manipulate.
While I lack evidence to believe all the elements of the narrative you're sharing through this Substack, there are at least threads of truth throughout. Perhaps more, perhaps less than I currently see. Following the money typically reveals what actually happened versus the stories of what happened and why.
Thank you for your work here as it is helping me fit more puzzle pieces into my understanding of the world.
I respect your use of a pseudonym. Although I am curious as to your background; share or not as you wish.
GM: sorry for the late intrusion, but I think you followed the wrong historiography.
For me, it is quite a given that:
1. Rome was the true destroyer of scientific and religious Hellenism: Caesar destroyed the Library, not Cyril - for reference, there is the whole corpus of Lucio Russo;
2. stoicism and Hellenism is the true origin of Christianity: as much as people love to remember Celsus, they forgot Lucian, that wrote a similar book against a cynic, because they were both sophist; I challenge you to find differences between Julian (and Porphyrios) and John Chrysostom, except for mythology. There is a reason why Socrates and Christ are so similiar is because Costin Pervert is wrong.
I realize this may seem like low-hanging fruit, but do you have any reservations about quoting from an *actual* neo-Nazi site, Cesar Tort's, complete with swastikas and Hitler eulogies? I'm not baiting, I actually want to quote from it too, the same essay on foundational myth, & therefore it's a practical question. Do you know much about the site and its author? There seem to be so many traps one can fall into when pursuing this line of research.
Hi Jasun, good question, thank you. My choice to quote him there was in the context leading up to Hitler's attempt at a full transvaluation of values, which Tort advocates for as well (Tort has a bit of a tragic background; he was apparently severely abused as a child by his religious parents and he turned to neo-Nazism as a coping mechanism. There's some stuff on him here: In that follow-up post I explained that I believe that egalitarian and anti-egalitarian energies should ultimately be in balance, in other words, I don't agree that a full transvaluation is appropriate. I would probably avoiding quoting Tort unless in a specific context.
Hi Pandelis, thank you for the comment. I am aware of Mullins's quote about the Byzantine empire; he had argued that Jews and Christians can coexist peacefully in society based on its without expulsions or pogroms: For others who are not aware of it, he had written:
"The history of the Jews demonstrates two things; first, that there has never been a reconciliation between them and their hosts; second, that no nation has ever succeeded in barring them permanently…in every case where the Jews were expelled from a nation, often under conditions of great suffering, within a few years, the Jews have returned! Again, one can find no parallel in the historical record of other groups, this strange compulsion, this incredible persistence in putting their heads into the lion’s mouth again and again….
In all of recorded history, there was only one civilization which the Jews could not destroy. Because of this, they have given it the silent treatment. Few American college graduates with a Ph.D. degree could tell you what the Byzantine Empire was. It was the Empire of East Rome, set up by Roman leaders after the Jews had destroyed Rome. This empire functioned in Constantinople for 1,200 years, the longest duration of any empire in the history of the world. Throughout the history of Byzantium, as it was known, by imperial edict, no Jew was allowed to hold any post in the Empire, nor was he allowed to educate the young. The Byzantine Empire finally fell to the Turks after twelve centuries of prosperity, and the Jews have attempted to wipe out all traces of its history. Yet its edicts against the Jews were not cruel; in fact, the Jews lived unmolested and prosperously in the empire throughout its history, but here alone the vicious cycle of host and parasite did not take place. It was a Christian civilization, and the Jews were not able to exercise any influence…
It was Ezra Pound who launched upon a study of Byzantine civilization, and who reminded the world of this happily non-Jewish land. From the Byzantines, Pound derived his non-violent formula formula for controlling the Jews. “The answer to the Jewish problem is simple,” he said. “Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government.” And this is how simple it is.”
The Byzantine Empire is proto-USSR. A realm outwardly successful, which however lobotomised its own history and culture, and enacted a policy of mongrelisation which destroyed the vestiges of Ancient Greece.
Wow, there's quite a lot to digest here! As a Jew, I don't feel comfortable "liking" the post, per se, but I do think you're confronting some important issues that really should be discussed more openly than they are.
I hesitate to argue the established facts of the Holocaust, as I'm well aware that most such conversations turn into an endless rabbit hole. Nevertheless, I will point out that the assertion that a European population of ten million Jews would dwindle to less than two million by 1938 largely as a result of outmigration utterly fails to take into account the strict restrictions that virtually all countries had on Jewish immigration. As an example, in 1939, the MS St. Louis, with its 900 Jewish passengers seeking refuge from Europe, was turned away by multiple countries, including the USA. If 900 Jews couldn't find safe harbor anywhere in the world in 1939, it's absurd to suggest that millions of them would have been absorbed without comment by the nations of the world in the preceding years.
Setting that aside, I find your doctrinal exploration quite fascinating. I think it's worth noting that BOTH mainstream Christianity and Judaism have been largely hijacked by what you call Spiritual Bolshevists. Regrettably, the message that the Left is the ideology of caring, intelligent people has been effectively marketed to American Jewry, which - quite contrary to its own interests - supports exactly the policies that have led to a skyrocketing incidents of virulent anti-Semitism, particularly on college campuses. While there are plenty of anti-Communist Jews (former Libertarian Party vice presidential candidate Spike Cohen is a good example), we are, at least for now, in the minority.
Along the same lines, it's relatively easy to cherry-pick statements, such as the one you found, that reflect a somewhat aggressive approach to ethnic separatism from the Jewish perspective. To me, this smacks of "reactive abuse," which is a phenomenon in which an abuser finally provokes a violent reaction from the person they've been abusing, and then use that reaction as "evidence" that their victim is crazy and/or the perpetrator in the situation. In this case, following the collective trauma of the Holocaust, it might be understandable why some Jewish thinkers would feel that assimilation was a mistake, and that perhaps it would be best to acknowledge deep-seated cultural differences that might cause tension in future.
By and large, I think you and I have a lot of common ground regarding the symptoms of our very sick and dysfunctional culture. I don't know if we would ever agree on what the underlying diseases are, but I look forward to reading more of your work.
Thanks for your thoughtful and articulate response, Alex.
This post and the Part 1 which preceded it are certainly the most controversial parts of the overall essay (although the revisionist history presented in one of the upcoming appendix's will be somewhat controversial), and quite outside of the Overton Window to say "the egalitarian values and the foundational origin myth which animate the core of our society have gone too far, and a measure of inequality is *both needed and is OK and proper on it's own without having to equivocate or hide acceptance of that inequality*, and if we don't have this then western civilization and perhaps all of humanity will be destroyed."
Re: the Holocaust, I agree with you that it's a rabbit hole, and I don't think it's debatable that a very large number of Jews died during the war (although it's a question how much of that was due to disease and malnutrition within concentration camps which was rampant in a country losing a war, with huge supply chain and degrading infrastructure issues caused by mass bombings -- ). My point about it is regardless of whether it happened or the extent of it, I think it's quite improper as a foundation origin myth of the entire west.
[Edited out a section that, on balance, I think was going off-focus].
Anyway I appreciate you reading the post and providing your perspective, and I look forward to reading more of your writing as well.
First of all, I tend to agree with your outside-the-Overton-window premise. The Procrustean bed of universal equality has been tried under Communism, and it didn't work out so well. A big part of the reason that it's a difficult conversation to have is because the word "equality" has become so loaded. I believe that all human beings are equal in the eyes of God, and should be equal in the eyes of the law. That's one type of equality. But equality of material success and other outcomes are firmly rooted in the Marxist doctrine that you and I both detest.
Regarding the Jewish experience, I'll try to answer your questions in as concise and non-defensive manner as possible.
First of all, I can assure you that Jews do indeed "introspect on these obvious questions." The cliché of the self-loathing Jew is rooted in the fact that many Jews internalize the vitriol that is directed at Jews in general, and (with varying degrees of consciousness) begin to think, "if all these people hate me, then I really must be loathsome." It's another pattern that is typical to trauma and abuse survivors.
Re: the Holocaust as foundational myth ... I'm not sure I agree that it IS the foundational myth of the modern era, but I see your point. I do agree that it has been distorted and used as a weapon. Certainly the fact that it's okay within mainstream circles to compare a bombastic, old-school centrist like Trump to Hitler, but not to make the same comparison of an outright fascist like Jacinda Arden is a cause for concern.
Re: Jewish "ingratitude" for their adopted countries. This is completely wrong. If you look at Yiddish theatre or Jewish popular culture from the immigrant era (1880s - 1920s), you'll find a profound sense of love and gratitude for America and its culture (which, for better or worse, at the time was white, Christian culture). Looking at Europe, one finds that prior to WWII, the Jews of Germany were almost completely assimilated into the mainstream population. That's part of why so many of them didn't believe that the government would turn against them the way it did; they considered themselves Germans first and Jews second, just as many now consider themselves Americans first and Jews second. More recently, the work of Jewish artists, writers and filmmakers is full of love for America and the best parts of Western culture.
I say "the best parts," because when you assert that Jews should show "appreciation for majority society and culture," it's worth pointing out that your blog is focused on criticism of that majority society and culture! One can hardly blame another group for rejecting what you yourself see is utterly dysfunctional and toxic. In my opinion, we should ALL reject it, and certainly within the Jewish community, I wish more of my peers would reject it, or at least be skeptical of it.
Re: settling in countries with hostile populations. Well, that's an easy one. What country DOESN'T have populations that are hostile to outsiders, of which Jews are the foremost exemplar? There's an old joke that Ireland was the only country not to persecute the Jews, but that's only because it never let them in. As for why Jews don't live in the Middle East, you answered your own question: the Arab countries expelled all their Jews, while simultaneously accusing Israel of apartheid against its Arab population.
Your overarching question - why have the Jews been the subject of repeated expulsions and other persecution - is an old one, and there are a few fairly basic answers: first of all, as you noted, the Jewish people have displayed a solidarity that is unrivaled among all other groups in human history, which is why we are the one of the only tribal cultures that has remained intact since the Biblical era. I say "one of the only," because there are certainly indigenous tribes that are much older, but by and large those tribes have stayed in their original territory. That solidarity in itself is provocative to empires, which usually demand conformity as a prerequisite for citizenship.
Secondly, as you pointed out, the Jews were expelled from their original territory, and forced to become quasi-nomadic. This is a rough world for nomads, since ethnic and cultural identity is almost always regional in nature (especially in the pre-industrialized era). Everywhere Jews went, they were the out-group. Since their identity was not just ethnic but also religious, they REALLY stood out, no matter where they went. The number of cultures that openly embraced ethnically and religiously discrete groups living within its borders is a small one. The ancient Greeks, especially under Alexander the Great, did so (incidentally, that's why Alexander is a common Jewish name), as did the Ottomans during the Convivencia, and, to some extent, America.
In other words, it isn't JUST that Jews faced hostility from other populations, but that ALL out-groups faced hostility, and Jews happen to have been around long enough (and, during the Diaspora, to have become so widely dispersed) to have encountered many other populations.
Re: the unfortunate attitude of being "forever victims" ... I actually agree with this, although perhaps not for the reasons you might think. I view it as another dysfunctional trauma-response. When someone abuses or attacks you, you can either fight, run away, or you can adopt a submissive posture and try to placate them. This is the "fight, flight, fawn" response. To put it another way, it's the "don't make your father angry" approach to being as unprovocative as possible for fear of undesirable consequences. In my opinion, organizations like the ADL and various Jewish celebrities promote this fawning, "we are so weak, we need your protection" posture as THE Jewish attitude, when it really isn't. They then (especially the ADL) weaponize it to silence critics in a way that I completely disagree with.
Hi Alex, thanks for your detailed response and pushback; in my opinion it is important to steel-man arguments (, and wrestling with thorny issues in a spirit of free debate and open-mindedness is one of the best things about the internet to me. So I appreciate this.
I was sitting with it for a bit to think about how I should respond -- we have parts of commonality on these issues (for example, agreement that every nation is hostile to outsiders, to various degree) and parts of disagreement, and I think we could spend a lot of time in reasoned debate about it -- but I'm going to try not to get too far off topic from the point of the essay (i.e. to reframe the core problem facing modern society as an extreme over-focus on equality as well as the central bank problem, with the off-chance hope it could serve as a Schelling point for people of all backgrounds to view as a reasonable diagnosis without triggering hind-brain "right" vs "left" or "my side" vs "your side" natural reactions). So if you don't mind, we can table the continuation of this debate for another day...
I completely agree. Until next time!
Wasn't it the Communist Jews who founded Israel? Who had the guts to expel the Palestinian vermin from the Judaean lands?
Regarding Holocaust denialism - it is a feature of Westoid right-wingoids trying to turn Hitler into a cuck like themselves. It's a psychological matter.
> ""if all these people hate me, then I really must be loathsome.""
Not really, it's a fairly shallow reading. I view it as Jews embracing liberal/neo-Christian values of personal weakness and love for their enemies. Hence the destruction of America by the Aryans, of South Africa by the Boers, and of Russia by the Russians is mirrored by the accommodation for the Palestinian subhumans in Israel.
Brilliant and fantastic essay in its thought provoking course through 2,000 years of human history in Europe. A basic mathematic reality: exceptional human beings, by definition, are always outnumbered by un-exceptional human beings. Therefore any “democratic” institution- markets, education systems, political systems will inevitably tend to level toward an outcome that is minimally acceptable to the larger mass of humans. Valuing human life equally sets the stage for this philosophy to wind its way into every collective endeavor. And the exceptional human beings will always be outnumbered. I’m not sure how any minority can come to have cultural influence except by wrestling with these basic imbalances of numbers.
But they did. The point is that ‘exception’ doesn’t have to be the same as ‘alienated’. That’s specific disease of a particular kind of culture of alienation that made its appearance some time ago, reaching its apex in global capitalism in the last 20th Century.
A person can be exceptional and universally admired because their exceptionality is directed toward their folk and their customers and well-being, not toward some alien value system or foreign population.
Louis Pasteur is a great example of a truly exceptional person who spent their life in the trenches of animal husbandry (‘yeast strain cultivation’) and was a part of daily life while be celebrated for their achievements because his achievements made life better (better beer and wine and bread and cheese).
The issue has nothing to do with ‘democracy’. It has to do with a version of ‘democracy’ that is multi-racial, multi-national and multi-ethnic.
And, in truth, no political system has ever been able to survive such mixing of interests. ‘Democracy’ is no exception.
Fascinating. It’s ironic that jewish people have been able to preserve their religious and ethnic traditions despite promoting “universalist” approaches to the same.
This essay (part) is an opus I'd like to reread a few times.
I wish I had interacted with its contents years ago, but alas, life is lived and better late than never.
My long winded way to say "thank you".
Thanks for putting a lot of time into this series. You cover millennia of activity with reasonable concision. I sense there is truth in what you've written, though I don't agree with all of it. I'm working my way through it. I'm learning from your work and very much appreciate you including sources.
I think there were more factors in Rome's fall than in Christendom, and more to the willful destruction of United States origin stories. The banker thesis likely has some truth to it as well, yet the world is a complex place and singular explanations are rarely correct. I doubt this feedback surprises you.
Surprising that you don't mention the prominent role Jewish intellectual extremists played in the Frankfurt School of Post Modern thought. Not surprising that a large ethnic group has made significant contributions to society both good and bad.
Have you studied and written about the forces behind WWI? Growing up in the US, neither its causes or the USSR's history were covered in much depth. The latter I've since studied.
Hi JD, thanks for the comment. I agree with you that singular explanations are rarely the full story; the central bank and egalitarian aspects are just significant ones that are poorly understood, imo. For the forces behind World War 1, it was briefly discussed in "Goals, Motivations and Strategies of the Owners of Modern Society: Part 1", but it's more thoroughly covered here:
With respect to the Frankfurt School, I may cover it more in depth specifically at some point, but the general theme is discussed here:
I hope you find these links helpful...
Yes, they are helpful. Just read the first linked post. Have already read the second.
As a fan of Thomas Sowell. prior to reading your post, my hypothesis was that the fall of monarchy in Europe played a key part in causing the world wars. It seems to me now that was partially true, because there were large populations unfamiliar with representative democracy and perhaps as a result, quite easy to manipulate.
While I lack evidence to believe all the elements of the narrative you're sharing through this Substack, there are at least threads of truth throughout. Perhaps more, perhaps less than I currently see. Following the money typically reveals what actually happened versus the stories of what happened and why.
Thank you for your work here as it is helping me fit more puzzle pieces into my understanding of the world.
I respect your use of a pseudonym. Although I am curious as to your background; share or not as you wish.
Continuing on to the next post.
GM: sorry for the late intrusion, but I think you followed the wrong historiography.
For me, it is quite a given that:
1. Rome was the true destroyer of scientific and religious Hellenism: Caesar destroyed the Library, not Cyril - for reference, there is the whole corpus of Lucio Russo;
2. stoicism and Hellenism is the true origin of Christianity: as much as people love to remember Celsus, they forgot Lucian, that wrote a similar book against a cynic, because they were both sophist; I challenge you to find differences between Julian (and Porphyrios) and John Chrysostom, except for mythology. There is a reason why Socrates and Christ are so similiar is because Costin Pervert is wrong.
The fight between the warrior and the priest is the most common fight in human history:
I realize this may seem like low-hanging fruit, but do you have any reservations about quoting from an *actual* neo-Nazi site, Cesar Tort's, complete with swastikas and Hitler eulogies? I'm not baiting, I actually want to quote from it too, the same essay on foundational myth, & therefore it's a practical question. Do you know much about the site and its author? There seem to be so many traps one can fall into when pursuing this line of research.
Hi Jasun, good question, thank you. My choice to quote him there was in the context leading up to Hitler's attempt at a full transvaluation of values, which Tort advocates for as well (Tort has a bit of a tragic background; he was apparently severely abused as a child by his religious parents and he turned to neo-Nazism as a coping mechanism. There's some stuff on him here: In that follow-up post I explained that I believe that egalitarian and anti-egalitarian energies should ultimately be in balance, in other words, I don't agree that a full transvaluation is appropriate. I would probably avoiding quoting Tort unless in a specific context.
Hi Pandelis, thank you for the comment. I am aware of Mullins's quote about the Byzantine empire; he had argued that Jews and Christians can coexist peacefully in society based on its without expulsions or pogroms: For others who are not aware of it, he had written:
"The history of the Jews demonstrates two things; first, that there has never been a reconciliation between them and their hosts; second, that no nation has ever succeeded in barring them permanently…in every case where the Jews were expelled from a nation, often under conditions of great suffering, within a few years, the Jews have returned! Again, one can find no parallel in the historical record of other groups, this strange compulsion, this incredible persistence in putting their heads into the lion’s mouth again and again….
In all of recorded history, there was only one civilization which the Jews could not destroy. Because of this, they have given it the silent treatment. Few American college graduates with a Ph.D. degree could tell you what the Byzantine Empire was. It was the Empire of East Rome, set up by Roman leaders after the Jews had destroyed Rome. This empire functioned in Constantinople for 1,200 years, the longest duration of any empire in the history of the world. Throughout the history of Byzantium, as it was known, by imperial edict, no Jew was allowed to hold any post in the Empire, nor was he allowed to educate the young. The Byzantine Empire finally fell to the Turks after twelve centuries of prosperity, and the Jews have attempted to wipe out all traces of its history. Yet its edicts against the Jews were not cruel; in fact, the Jews lived unmolested and prosperously in the empire throughout its history, but here alone the vicious cycle of host and parasite did not take place. It was a Christian civilization, and the Jews were not able to exercise any influence…
It was Ezra Pound who launched upon a study of Byzantine civilization, and who reminded the world of this happily non-Jewish land. From the Byzantines, Pound derived his non-violent formula formula for controlling the Jews. “The answer to the Jewish problem is simple,” he said. “Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government.” And this is how simple it is.”
The Byzantine Empire is proto-USSR. A realm outwardly successful, which however lobotomised its own history and culture, and enacted a policy of mongrelisation which destroyed the vestiges of Ancient Greece.